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Wednesday, June 01, 2005

the conversation on hondavision... evil shit...

yeah well... let me set this up... i started talking about me tripping and i see shit sometimes, so i got some responses, and i responded... as i was responding, i discovered some stuff... check it out...

this was the original post on the thread that i made on hondavision...
i don't know what this is... but i'm at my desk, and i feel like someone is staring at me, so as i'm turning i see like an wicked face or a bulto standing there... it scares me really fast, but then i realize that nothing is there... and if i feel it, and don't turn it gives me this horrible chill on the side that i feel it... say that i feel like something is stareing at me at my left side, and i don't turn, i will get the chills on my left arm... it's fucken nasty...

so anyways... i had a talk with my psychology (sp?) teacher and he explained to me that i have something wrong with me... he didn't tell me what... but he said that i probably see scary visions on stupid things... and it's true... he pulled out some ink blots, and they were all like wicked pics... like devil clowns, demons, and all kinds of shit... so he said that i have something that is genetic and i probably got it from my dad... and i believe him... my dad was diagnosed with a mild schitzophrenia (sp?)... i don't know why he didn't want to tell me what it's called... i see no harm in me knowing... but he said it's for my own safety... maybe i'm really really fucked up in the head, or waiting to explode or something... i'm probably a suicidal time bomb...

i don't know what this thread is for... it's probably a vent or something... maybe becouse i can't blog at my blog anymore... i need a new blogging site...however... i always thought it was normal for me to see demons on the patterns of my bathroom floor... since i could remember i would see crazy shit...

i want to ask my sister if she's seen this before, but since she lost her baby to the system i haven't seen her in months... and since she's all drugged up i don't trust her judgement...

but do any of you peeps see crazy shit like that...?? maybe when you are tired or something..???

now i'm depressed... ... and kind of scared... but i don't know... i guess i'm freaked out...

many of the members responded with witty, or supportive coments... but one guy took the cake... check this out...

Actually, the house I first grew up in was haunted thanks to something my father did.He buried crucifixes upside down in the yard to get the house to sell faster and while it worked, very bad things soon followed.
It all happened to my mother and myself, I was only about 4 but my mother was real religous at the time so it targeted her.One night while my mother and I were home alone, a rocking chair started rocking violently causing my mom to scream so she grabbed me and we ran out of the room.
The phone would ring and when she would pick up it would pause and hang up slowly.
One night while my mom was at work my dad sent me up to bed, while in bed i saw a very strange shadow come up the stairs and pause at the door of the bedroom. I thought it was my dad and called out to him but it never moved, it just stared at me. it almost looked human but it was black. I was so petrified I couldnt even speak once i realized it was not my dad so I just rolled over and didnt move until my mother came home.
Later that week, I saw a demons face in my carpet and it had red eyes. I know I saw this shit and I can still remember what it looked like. I ran from the room like a raped ape.
*worst part*
My mother told me one night she woke up and there was a black shadow at the foot of the bed looming over her, she thought it was a person but then realized that it was too wide and as tall as the ceiling, and it was blacker then black even in the pitch black of the bedroom. She tried to start to pray but a cold pressure formed around her neck and she couldnt talk. She kept thinking of her prayer and eventually she fell asleep. My father was asleep through the whole thing.

I believe there are demons, and I dont think people are crazy all the time. I know if I continued to see what was going on in that house I would be considered crazy myself.
Imagine being so tormented that you are reduced to a drooling mess of a human being.
It can happen, and whatever you are into might be causing this to transpire. Stay away from things that can open you up to see this side of life, because they do exist, and they enjoy tormenting.

hahaha... this kid... so i had to tell them a couple of my stories... LOL...

i believe my house is also haunted...

we always see shadows passing thru the kitchen window, at least every two days...

i don't blame anything, but we did find a headstone burried in the back yard when i made the big pond... that was really fucken creepy...

and along time ago my stupid sister would play with a ouija board, and ask it to come and visit her... and it did a couple of times...

my mom many years ago said that there was a shadow standing on the front door on the back house (that is where i sleep!) and all of the dogs were barking and howling... we tried to get rid of the board, but then a year later I found it on my roof...

anyways... all kinds of other freaky shit happen around here... but i don't blame all the wierd shit i see on evil crap... i know there is nothing there... but my mind makes me see it...

yesterday i was in my room, and i heard like a book fall as soon as i turned off the lights... i turned them back on, and the only thing that was there where the noise came from was my wooden goat... that creeped me out... but i didn't pay much attention to it...

this one is a bit trippy, but it really happened to me... not that long ago too...

another thing that scared the shit out of my was my own tattoo...

you know when your body falls asleep before your mind...??? well that happens to me alot... then i start hearing or seeing shit, but i kind of like it... it's a semicontrollable trip...

but one time i had one of those, and i couldn't do anything about it... and my tattoo started talking to me in tongue, and i understood everything that he said...

he told me some fucked up twisted shit that was going to happen... when i was small i would always dream of satan talking to me in some kind of language that i could understand, but it wasn't anything i knew how to speak...

but i would be so scared of him that i would close my eye's but still hear me... he was walking around my living room throwing away all of our saints, and bibles...

intense fear...

yeah... that really happened... i don't pay much attention to it... but this is what he responded to my stories...

I'd say based on what you have said that your house is haunted, and your family has definatly opened yourselves up to this. My advice whether you believe it or not is to get the house exorcised, because even moving might not help you at this point. I guess its all about how much you can take as it gets worse and worse. I thought about getting myself exorcised some times just because of the stuff i would dream about, but I think dreams are where you sometimes get attacked so to speak. Freaky stuff man, you should keep a log of the shit that goes down in that place, but seriously, look into changing your ways and getting a priest or something into that house asap.
I dont know who else lives there, but you need to talk with all of them, as it could be them thats causing this to happen. Good luck.We need to start a supernatural forum or something.
Its interesting to hear stories others have gone through in this matter.

i don't know if he's mexican, but he sounds the part... this is what one guy responded to both of us... LOL...

This is definately a classic case... yup you/re mexican. I heard a comic say every mexican has ahaunted room or some shitj.

Honestly, if you elive there is a satan and demons and whatnot, why the fuck would you wanna worship them? Knowing that knowledge, I'd stay the fuck away from that shit mang.

hahaha... and it's so true... my grandmother's city is all haunted, and there are nothing but mexican's there... lol...

and then they started asking me questions about my faith... so i answered...

anyways... our paren'ts didn't raise us to be scared of demons, and evil...
that's probably why we all came out this way...
we're all fucked up somehow...

we were supposed to be catholics, but my parent's never took any of us to church, or did anything to us... they were more focused on our well being and health... they both worked, and i'm very thankfull on such a good job they did with us... they tried thier hardest without the help of a bible...

the way my dad, and me see it, if you go to church you need it... something is wrong with you... it maybe something big, or something small, but there's something that is there...

so you could say that i was athiest all of my life, untill i had my spirtual journey, around the age of 13... i visited, and read up on many religions, and accepted none... they were all filled with hypocracy, and stuff that contradicted science...

then a couple of years ago, i transended into satanism... satanism to me was the church i went to when i needed help... so i became a satanist for a wile... i did not worship satan, i did not pray to demons and crap... but yet i still studied all of this santeria/black magic stuff...

i don't believe in it... but i figured it helped people that i know by telling them to get them to put some white quartz in thier house for good luck, and they believed...

i've always loved symbols, and pictures of evil... so i got these tattoo's... it's not becouse i worship satan, or believe that i belong to baphomet drorsiente... it's just a tattoo that i chose to get... i still don't know what it really means to me, but i got it becouse i wanted it... i think it's art...

then i posted a picture of my tattoo on my chest... and they haven't responded yet... probably tomarrow, but i don't feel like being on this subject much... i still don't know all of it to say what everything means to me... i know that didn't make sense but it's 2am, and i'm really fucken tired... i must sleep...

well till next time...


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